Thursday, November 6, 2008


Yesterday Mom asked me if there were chances of being laid off at work. I said no way. Well guess what? Today we had a mandatory meeting. They laid off 10 employees.....1 from the engineering group. From what management described, the machinists union strike at Boeing really hit us. They were on strike for 57 days, but management kept the shop operating, I believe hoping the strike would not last long. So now we have two months of inventory sitting in the aisles. They reviewed some of the scenarios with us and this was the least impact on everyone.

I'm sure there is more to the story, but it just reinforces my unfavorable opinion of unions. From my first job out of college of not being able to touch a tool in the shop to seeing how in some union shops, guys won't do anything, if it isn't their job.

1 comment:

Gigi Pov said...

love the blog... maybe I can get Chris to create one? lol... hang in there. Eventually this economy will turn around. No idea what will happen at Wachovia but we'll all be OK and better eventually.